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Terms and Conditions Lagos Workation Apartment

The Agreement

The rental agreement is between the Guest and Lagos Workation Apartment. The contract is deemed to have been made once the Guest has paid a deposit and Lagos Workation Apartment has confirmed the booking. The guest must be over 18 years of age at the time of booking.


The Guest who makes the booking is deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions and will be responsible for all persons included in the booking and should ensure that they are all aware of these Terms & Conditions. Lagos Workation Apartment reserves the right to decline any booking or refuse to hand over a key to any person who has not complied with these Terms & Conditions.


For bookings made more than 8 weeks before arrival, a deposit (part payment) of 30% of the total cost of the holiday, is required. The balance is due 8 weeks before the rental commences. For bookings made less than 8 weeks before arrival, the total amount is payable in full on booking.

The Guest agrees to pay the balance of the payment EIGHT (8) weeks before the rental is due to start. Email reminders are sent, but delivery cannot be guaranteed. Where a guest fails to pay their balance by the due date the booking may be cancelled and the deposit retained.


The Guest is responsible for leaving the accommodation in good order and in a clean condition; otherwise a extra cleaning charge on top of the normal cleaning charge will be levied. Please note that the convention is that guests are expected to leave the apartment in a similar state to which they find it (reasonable cleaning excepted). Please abide by this convention so we can continue to provide good value for guests.

Number of People using Holiday Accommodation

The owners permit the Guest and members of the guest’s party (but no one else) to occupy the apartment for holiday purposes only. The Guest must declare the correct number of additional guests during booking and, if this changes, must inform Lagos Workation Apartment before the rental commences of any change. No more than the maximum number of 4 persons may occupy the apartment unless by prior written agreement with Lagos Workation Apartment. Extra charges may be applicable if the number of guests differs from the number on the booking.

You must inform us if your party is made up of a single sex group or the group is made up of adults under the age of 30 years old, because we will not allow groups of this composition without prior consent. If you do not inform us of any these points, we reserve the right to cancel or charge a damage deposit of up to € 4000.00.

Additionally, should any activity or large gathering of people other than those noted on our invoice take place (e.g. party, wedding reception) we must be informed about it at the time of booking beforehand. You will be charged an extra cost for cleaning / maid service / surcharge and a further security deposit may apply. Our apartment is let for holiday purposes only and commercial activities may only be carried out with our prior knowledge and or with prior written approval by us. This extra charge varies and can be charged to you without further notice.

Rental Period

All rental periods are indicated on your Booking Form. The rental charge includes: the apartment for the rental period; one change of bed linens, bath towels; house wares such as linens, cooking utensils and china; electricity; water and hot water from taps; all local taxes. It does not include outgoing telephone calls; central heating; repairs for damages to the property caused by your party; food; travel; car rental; transfers and travel insurance; staff gratuities.

By completing and returning the Booking Form, you and all members of your party acknowledge full awareness of these Booking Terms & Conditions and agree to accept and abide by the terms stated. We act as booking agents on behalf of named owners of the properties featured on our website.



The apartment (unless otherwise agreed) is available for occupation from 4.00 pm on the first day of the holiday and must be vacated by 10.00 am on the last day.

Cancellation or Changes by the Guest

Once the holiday is booked the Guest has entered into a legally binding contract. If the Guest cancels, for whatever reason (including medical and weather related) then no refund of the deposit will be due, and within 8 weeks of the holiday no refund of the full balance is due. A holiday cancellation protection plan should be taken out to cover forced cancellations.

Cancellations must be notified in writing (including by email) to Lagos Workation Apartment as soon as possible. We will endeavour to re-let the apartment and if successful may at their discretion allow the guest to transfer to alternate dates and/or accommodation for an administration fee plus any other expenses incurred in re-letting. The expenses incurred in re-letting will be at the discretion of Lagos Workation Apartment.

Once a booking has been accepted by us, it can only be changed by treating the original booking as a cancellation. Holiday dates may be changed providing the apartment is available. A re-booking charge will be payable.

We recommend and expect that the guest will have or will take out a holiday insurance policy (which includes cancellation insurance covering sickness and unavoidable reasons for cancellation) prior to their stay.


Pets are not allowed in the Lagos Workation Apartment

Guest Responsibility

The supervision of children, babies and any adults requiring care remains the responsibility of the guest at all times.

Guests should put all furniture etc back to where it was at the beginning of the rental period.

Guests should not leave any items at the apartment and, if left, we have the right to charge for the removal, return or disposal of those items.


The Lagos Workation Apartment has tree air-con units. One in the living room and two in the bedrooms. Air-conditioning is included in the price on the basis of ‘normal use’. In case of excessive usage, there will be a surcharge. Air-conditioning units do sometimes fail to function and there is no guarantee that air-conditioning will be continually available and we will not be liable in the case of mechanical failure. When temperatures are very high in mid-summer air-conditioning systems may not deliver the ambient temperature you expect, and we cannot guarantee the indoor temperatures.

Damage, Loss, Theft

Guests agree to inform us of any damage or loss however caused, excluding reasonable wear and tear incurred during occupation. Guests should not remove any item from the apartment. We may ask for reasonable replacement costs.


Guests should not cause nuisance or annoyance to occupants of any nearby property.

If, in the opinion of Lagos Workation Apartment, any person is not suitable to continue their occupation of the apartment because of unreasonable behaviour, damage or nuisance to other parties, the contract may be treated by Lagos Workation Apartment as discharged and Lagos Workation Apartment may repossess the apartment immediately. The guest will remain liable for the whole cost of rental and no refund shall be due.


Guests must allow reasonable access to the apartment by Lagos Workation Apartment for maintenance given reasonable notice.

Security Deposit

Lagos Workation Apartment requests a € 300 deposit payment, which will be returned to you within a few days after the last day of your stay after the apartment has been checked. Our property manager will greet you on arrival when it is possible to show you the house and go through a checklist with you. The Security Deposit of € 300 has to be paid together with paying the balance of your booking, by bank transfer (euro countries) or Paypal (non-euro countries).


Although our apartment is not in a rural area, things may be a little bit different compared to your home country. Please therefore expect to meet some wildlife, including the odd spider, mouse, bird, fly, bee, wasp, ant or other creature, which may make their way into a property unbeknown to Lagos Workation Apartment. Spiders in particular are not considered to be a pest and consume up to 2000 other insects per year. Ants are attracted to any food that has been left open, vigilance is beneficial. We reserve the right to take no action if they do not consider the existence of the wild life to be a serious threat to health.


Lagos Workation Apartment inspects the standard of facilities in the apartment before and after every guests stay, but cannot accept responsibility for any changes made by us since the photo’s were taken, or to have all the items mentioned on the website. We do our best to keep the info on our website up to date, but interpretation thereof can be subjective and cannot be held responsible for any perceived inadequacies in the apartment.

Public Supplies or Utilities

We accept no liability for failure of public supplies or utilities such as water, gas or electricity, satellite signal, internet connection/ Wi-Fi over which we have no control, nor of sewage systems, plumbing or mechanical equipment in properties, but shall use our best endeavours to arrange prompt repairs where possible.


Any dispute arising out of the booking will be between the guest and Lagos Workation Apartment. No complaints can be considered unless notified during the guest’s stay in the apartment. It is the duty of guests to minimize any loss to them and therefore it is their responsibility to inform Lagos Workation Apartment at the earliest possible opportunity of any problem.

Accidents caused during the holiday are not the liability of Lagos Workation Apartment. The responsibility for the upkeep of the apartment and any relevant Health and Safety considerations lie with Lagos Workation Apartment. Complaints received after departure cannot be accepted as we thereby have no opportunity to resolve the complaint at the time.


Lagos Workation Apartment cannot accept responsibility for any material loss, damage, additional expense or inconvenience directly or indirectly caused by or arising out of the apartment, its plumbing, gas, electrical services or exceptional weather.

No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage of the apartment, vehicles or vehicle contents belonging to the guest or any member of the party during their occupancy.

The maximum liability accepted by Lagos Workation Apartment will be the total cost of the holiday as paid by the guest to Lagos Workation Apartment. No other expenses such as travelling costs or alternative accommodation will be accepted.

Cancellation by us

Lagos Workation Apartment reserves the right to refuse any booking and to cancel any bookings already made if the apartment is unavailable (eg through fire, flood, etc) for any reason whatsoever, subject to a full refund of all monies paid (but no further liability). Lagos Workation Apartment shall be under any other liability if such cancellation occurs.

No Smoking

Smoking is not allowed in the apartment

Force Majeure

Lagos Workation Apartment cannot accept responsibility or liability for any alterations, delay or cancellation or any other loss or damage caused by war, civil strife, terrorist action, industrial disputes, fire, sickness, bad weather, epidemics, acts of any government or public authority, or any other event outside our control.


The failure of the owner to enforce or exercise, at any time or for any period of time, any term of, or any right pursuant to this agreement does not constitute and shall not be construed as a waiver of such term or right.


The guest agrees that the contract with the owner is made at the owner’s premises and that any proceedings between the parties shall be conducted in the County Court nearest to the owner.

SEF Forms

Since 2015 Portugal has a law requiring anyone providing paid holiday accommodation to record the entry, exit, and identification details of all non-Portuguese nationals who use that accommodation.

The governing body that monitors the movement of foreigners is SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) or the Immigration and Borders Service. When staying in a hotel, guests are always asked to show their IDs at check-in. Short term rentals are also required to report guest’s information to SEF – it is called the Accommodation Bulletin. When you make a reservation in a registered Local Lodging establishment, Lagos Workation Apartment is required to report your presence and details to the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) within 3 days of your arrival. Lagos Workation Apartment will always request this information via an email form to SEF prior to your arrival.

These terms & conditions are subject to change without notice, from time to time in our sole discretion.

Lagos Workation Apartment, February 2022